Download the Pay What You Can ASWB Exam Prep Class!

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For Social Workers!

This recorded class is for those studying for the ASWB Master and clinical exams. This nearly 4-Hour recorded class will include what to study, how to study, where to study, and how to get your mindset right for the exam. This class is no bullshit, straight to the point, and very fast-paced. It provides significant Clarity of what to study and where to get your information based on your learning style as well as prioritizes your study plan. It also saves you a lot of time, energy, and mental space when it comes to your study route toward the exam.

The recording download is $10 minimum and is considered "Pay What You Can"

For Therapists

If you are seeking guidance for how to gain your own therapy clients like I have, then you have come to the right place. This 10 page guide has exercises from my upcoming workbook for therapists! The principles in this download got me my first 5 clients on my own, an estimated $7,200 value YOURS FREE!

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